Table of contents

Manage Network Security instances

Manage Network Security instances in your VPC using CloudWatch and the Network Security management interface. AWS CloudWatch is a tool, provided by Amazon, that enables you to manage your instances within your Amazon account. Use the Network Security management interface in conjunction with CloudWatch to monitor your Network Security instances.

Update Network Security certificate

Certificates for Network Security virtual appliances expire after two years. This might lead to your instance showing as "Not communicating" in the Network Security management interface, even though the instance still appears to be healthy in AWS and is still passing traffic without network disruption.

Certificates for Network Security virtual appliances that are deployed with hosted infrastructure are managed by Trend Micro and do not require a manual update.

To check if your instance certificate has expired, you can use the Network Security CLI to search for a certificate error in the system log. You can use the following command to search the system log for the certificate error: show log-file system search sslv3 alert certificate

A valid SSH key pair is required to access the CLI. If you no longer have access to your SSH key, we recommend deploying a new instance.

If your Network Security virtual appliance certificate has expired, use the following steps to update your certificate.

Before you begin, make sure you have access to the following:

  • A valid SSH key pair: The SSH key pair (.pem file) used to access your virtual appliance. If you no longer have access to your SSH key, we recommend deploying a new instance.
  • A bastion host: Ensure that you can connect to your virtual appliance using a bastion host, VPN, or other method. Learn more about creating a bastion host.

If your Network Security virtual appliance certificate has expired, follow these steps to update your certificate:

  1. Unregister the expired appliance by navigating to Network → Appliances in the Network Security management interface and selecting Unregister under Select Action.

  2. Modify your security group settings to allow SSH access. Use ENI0 for virtual appliances that are directly inline, and use ENI1 for appliances behind a Gateway Load Balancer. Learn more about creating security groups.

    Block SSH access again after updating your certificate.

  3. Generate a Network Security appliance deployment token. Learn more about creating appliance deployment tokens.

    Some instances that are older than two years might not support appliance deployment tokens. If this is the case, use an API key instead of an appliance deployment token. Learn more about creating a Trend Cloud One API key.

  4. SSH into the Network Security virtual appliance CLI using the following command:

    ssh -i <pem-file> admin@<NSVA-mgmt-ENI-IP>

  5. Enter the following commands:

    1. cloudone unregister
    2. cloudone register <appliance deployment token>
  6. Confirm that your instance was updated by checking the Network → Appliances page in the Network Security management interface.

    After confirming that the instance was updated, redistribute your policies.


CloudWatch is an Amazon tool that provides the following services:

  • Application monitoring.
  • System-wide visibility of your Network Security deployment.
  • Resource optimization such as auto scaling to add or remove instances.
  • Operational health.

You can also set up your CloudWatch system to send logs to an S3 bucket or to a Slack channel. An AWS IAM role must be attached to the EC2 instance that you are using for Network Security.

For more information about CloudWatch, refer to the AWS CloudWatch documentation page.

Enable CloudWatch logs


Your Network Security virtual appliances must use version 2020.10.0 or later to successfully configure CloudWatch logs using APIs.

Use the following APIs to enable and support CloudWatch logging features in your environment.

To enable the management interface to configure the CloudWatch log settings to the Network Security virtual appliance:

POST /api/appliances/{id}/cloudwatchlogconfig

To enable the management interface to retrieve the CloudWatch log settings from the Network Security virtual appliance:

GET /api/appliances/{id}/cloudwatchlogconfig

Learn more about these APIs in the API Reference.

CloudWatch log streaming using APIs scripts

To configure CloudWatch log streaming, you must use APIs. Some strategic scripting enables you to streamline this configuration.

Before you begin

Make sure you have the following resources before you continue:

  • Deploy at least one Network Security virtual appliance using version 2020.10.0 or later. Learn more.
  • Create a Trend Micro Cloud One API key to authenticate API calls. Learn more.
  • Download and install curl.
  • Install jq for Bash. The Bash script uses jq to parse JSON data. To verify your installation, run the jq --version command from your terminal.

1. Determine the IDs of your managed virtual appliances

Before you begin configuring your CloudWatch log settings, determine the IDs of your managed virtual appliances. You will use these IDs to enable and disable CloudWatch logs on your the appliances.

To retrieve a list of all your managed appliances, enter the following in curl. Replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with your Trend Micro Cloud One API key and <YOUR_CLOUDONE_REGION> with the Trend Micro Cloud One region of your account.

region="<YOUR_CLOUDONE_REGION>" # For example: "us-1"

curl --location --request GET "${url}" \
--header "Authorization: ApiKey ${SECRET}" \
--header "api-version: v1"

This generates an output similar to the following:

    "next": null,
    "totalCount": 1,
    "appliances": [{
        "ID": 1,
        "instanceId": "i-xxxxxxxxxxxee0d24",
        "provider": "AWS",
        "hostName": "i-xxxxxxxxxxx0d24",
        "tosVersion": "",
        "dvVersion": "",
        "auxDv": {
            "Malware": {
                "Version": null
        "providerMetadata": [{
            "key": "accountId",
            "value": "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
        }, {
            "key": "availabilityZone",
            "value": "sa-east-1a"
        }, {
            "key": "instanceType",
            "value": "c5n.2xlarge"
        }, {
            "key": "region",
            "value": "sa-east-1"
        }, {
            "key": "vpc",
            "value": "vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxx06a00"

This output indicates that you have a single Network Security virtual appliance managed by the Trend Micro Cloud One service, and the appliance has an ID of 1.

Learn more about the structure of this appliance object output.

2. Configure CloudWatch log settings on your appliance

You can enable the following appliance logs to be streamed to CloudWatch:

  • System logs
  • Audit logs
  • Host logs
  • ipsAlert logs
  • ipsBlock logs
  • reputationBlock logs
  • reputationAlert logs
  • Quarantine logs
  • SSL (TLS) logs

The following curl example shows how to stream an appliance's ipsBlock logs to CloudWatch. In the example:

  • You can specify a name for the CloudWatch Log Group variable and the Stream variable, or accept the default values. This example specifies network-security-block-events for the Log Group Name, but accepts the default Stream name.
  • Replace <YOUR_CLOUDONE_REGION> with the Trend Micro Cloud One region of your account.
  • Replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with your Trend Micro Cloud One API key.
  • Replace <Appliance ID> with the ID of your appliance.
region="<YOUR_CLOUDONE_REGION>" # For example: "us-1"
applianceID="<Appliance ID>"

curl --location --request POST "https://network.${region}${applianceID}/cloudwatchlogconfig" \
--header "Authorization: ApiKey ${SECRET}" \
--header "api-version: v1" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw '{
  "logTypes": [
      "logGroupName": "network-security-block-events",
      "logName": "ipsBlock",
      "enable": true

Learn more about the structure of this output.

3. Verify your CloudWatch log configuration

The following curl example shows how to verify your CloudWatch log configuration. In the example:

  • Replace <YOUR_CLOUDONE_REGION> with the Trend Micro Cloud One region of your account.
  • Replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with your Trend Micro Cloud One API key.
  • Replace <Appliance ID> with the ID of your appliance.
region="<YOUR_CLOUDONE_REGION>" # For example: "us-1"
applianceID="<Appliance ID>"

curl --location --request GET "https://network.${region}${applianceID}/cloudwatchlogconfig" \
--header "Authorization: ApiKey ${SECRET}" \
--header "api-version: v1"

An API response similar to the following indicates that the only log type enabled is ipsBlock:

    "next": null,
    "totalCount": null,
    "logTypes": [
            "logGroupName": "ips",
            "logStreamName": "system_{instance_id}",
            "logName": "system",
            "enable": false
            "logGroupName": "ips",
            "logStreamName": "audit_{instance_id}",
            "logName": "audit",
            "enable": false
            "logGroupName": "ips",
            "logStreamName": "host_{instance_id}",
            "logName": "host",
            "enable": false
            "logGroupName": "network-security-block-events",
            "logStreamName": "ipsBlock_{instance_id}",
            "logName": "ipsBlock",
            "enable": true
            "logGroupName": "ips",
            "logStreamName": "ipsAlert_{instance_id}",
            "logName": "ipsAlert",
            "enable": false
            "logGroupName": "ips",
            "logStreamName": "reputationBlock_{instance_id}",
            "logName": "reputationBlock",
            "enable": false
            "logGroupName": "ips",
            "logStreamName": "reputationAlert_{instance_id}",
            "logName": "reputationAlert",
            "enable": false
            "logGroupName": "ips",
            "logStreamName": "quarantine_{instance_id}",
            "logName": "quarantine",
            "enable": false
            "logGroupName": "network-security-block-events",
            "logStreamName": "sslInspection_{instance_id}",
            "logName": "sslInspection",
            "enable": false

In addition, the response confirms that network-security-block-events matches the Log Group variable name you specified earlier, and the Stream name variable displays the default value ipsBlock_{instance_id}. When the log stream is created, this {instance_id} value will be replaced by the actual ID of your virtual appliance.

Learn more about the structure of this output.

Complete configuration example

The API script that follows enables ipsBlock and ipsAlert logs on all of your managed virtual appliances. To execute this script:

  1. Ensure that you have completed your prerequisites.

  2. Paste the following example code to a .sh file (for example,, replacing <YOUR_API_KEY> with your Trend Micro Cloud One API key and <YOUR_CLOUDONE_REGION> with your Trend Micro Cloud One account's region, then save:

    region="<YOUR_CLOUDONE_REGION>" # For example: "us-1"
    echo "Getting list of appliances"
    response=$(curl --location --request GET ${url} \
                    --header "Authorization: ApiKey ${SECRET}" \
                    --header "api-version: v1" \
    parsed=$(echo "${response}" | jq '.appliances')
    len=$(echo "$parsed" | jq '. | length')
    echo "Number of appliances found: $len"
    if [[ ${len} == 0 ]]; then
        echo "Try deploying an appliance using CloudFormation Script."
        appliance="$(echo "${parsed[@]}" | jq -r .[].ID)"
        for id in ${appliance}
        do echo "Configuring AWS CloudWatch log settings on the NSVA ID: $id"
        curl --location --request POST "${url}/${id}/cloudwatchlogconfig" \
            --header "Authorization: ApiKey ${SECRET}" \
            --header "api-version: v1" \
            --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
            --data-raw '{
            "logTypes": [
                    "logGroupName": "network-security-block-events",
                    "logName": "ipsBlock",
                    "enable": true
                    "logGroupName": "network-security-alert-events",
                    "logName": "ipsAlert",
                    "enable": true
  3. Run the script using one of the following methods:

    • sh
    • bash

4. View logs in CloudWatch

After successfully configuring CloudWatch logs on your virtual appliance, follow these steps to view the logs using the AWS Management Console:

  1. Open the AWS CloudWatch console:
  2. Select Log groups from the navigation pane.
  3. Select the log group that you want to review.

Troubleshooting tips

Status codes generally fall into three classes:

  • 2xx codes indicate success
  • 4xx codes indicate client errors
  • 5xx codes indicate server errors

The status code for all the preceding APIs you run should be 200.

If a client or server status code is returned, consider the following possibilities:

  • 400 client code errors – Indicates an invalid payload for your API's POST method. Examine the API's response code for a detailed explanation of the error in the "additional details" field. Learn more about GET and SET payload APIs.
  • 401 client code errors – Indicates an invalid API key, and displays an "Authorization Required" message. Verify that your API key is correct, and try calling the API again.
  • 503 server code errors – Indicates that a scheduled or unscheduled outage prohibited your server from handling your request. Allow some time for the outage to end and the server to restore before calling the API again.