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Container firewall rules

If you are using the Deep Security Agent version 11.2 or later to protect containers that communicate over an overlay network, you may need to add a number of firewall rules to allow network traffic for the Swarm services because the default firewall rules block that traffic.

Name Action Type Priority Direction Frame Type Protocol Source IP Source Port Destination IP Destination Port
HTTP incoming TCP 80 destination port Force Allow 0 - Lowest Incoming IP TCP Any N/A Any 80
HTTP outgoing TCP 80 source port Force Allow 0 - Lowest Outgoing IP TCP Any 80 Any Any
Swarm outgoing TCP 443 port Force Allow 0 - Lowest Outgoing IP TCP Any Any Any 443
Swarm incoming TCP 2377, 4789, 7946, 60012 port Force Allow 0 - Lowest Incoming IP TCP+UDP Any Any Any 2377, 4789, 7946, 60012
Swarm outgoing TCP 2377, 4789, 7946, 60012 port Force Allow 0 - Lowest Outgoing IP TCP+UDP Any 2377, 4789, 7946, 60012 Any Any