List Administrator Roles
Lists all administrator roles.
AdministratorRolesApi.listAdministratorRoles([param1, param2, ...])
AdministratorRolesApi.list_administrator_roles([param1, param2, ...])
AdministratorRolesApi.listAdministratorRoles([param1, param2, ...])
successful operation
Not authorized to view administrator roles.
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.ApiClient; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.Configuration; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.auth.ApiKeyAuth; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.auth.ApiKeyAuth; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.ApiException; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.api.AdministratorRolesApi; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.model.AdministratorRoles; public class ListAdministratorRolesExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Setup ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); defaultClient.setBasePath("YOUR HOST"); // Authentication ApiKeyAuth Legacy API Key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Legacy API Key"); Legacy API Key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); try { defaultClient.trustAllCertificates(false); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("An exception occurred when calling ApiClient.trustAllCertificates"); e.printStackTrace(); } ApiKeyAuth Trend Micro Cloud One API Key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Trend Micro Cloud One API Key"); Trend Micro Cloud One API Key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); try { defaultClient.trustAllCertificates(false); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("An exception occurred when calling ApiClient.trustAllCertificates"); e.printStackTrace(); } // Initialization // Set Any Required Values AdministratorRolesApi instance = new AdministratorRolesApi(); String apiVersion = "YOUR VERSION"; try { // Please replace the parameter values with yours AdministratorRoles result = instance.listAdministratorRoles(apiVersion); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("An exception occurred when calling AdministratorRolesApi.listAdministratorRoles"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }
- 200
{- "roles": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "urn": "string",
- "immutable": true,
- "canOnlyManipulateUsersWithEqualOrLesserRights": true,
- "allComputers": true,
- "allPolicies": true,
- "commonObjectScopes": {
- "antiMalwareConfigurationScopes": {
- "allMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "malwareConfigurationIDs": [
- 0
}, - "directoryListScopes": {
- "allDirectoryLists": true,
- "directoryListIDs": [
- 0
}, - "fileListScopes": {
- "allFileLists": true,
- "fileListIDs": [
- 0
}, - "fileExtensionListScopes": {
- "allFileExtensionLists": true,
- "fileExtensionListIDs": [
- 0
}, - "allowUserInterface": true,
- "allowWebService": true,
- "rights": {
- "platformRights": {
- "administratorRights": {
- "canCreateNewAdministrators": true,
- "canDeleteAdministrators": true,
- "canEditAdministratorProperties": true,
- "canViewAdministrators": true
}, - "administratorRoleRights": {
- "canCreateNewAdministratorRoles": true,
- "canDeleteAdministratorRoles": true,
- "canEditAdministratorRoleProperties": true,
- "canViewAdministratorRoles": true
}, - "agentVersionControlRights": {
- "canEditAgentVersionControls": true
}, - "alertConfigurationRights": {
- "canEditAlertConfigurations": true
}, - "alertRights": {
- "canDismissGlobalAlerts": true
}, - "certificateRights": {
- "canCreateNewCertificates": true,
- "canDeleteCertificates": true
}, - "computerRights": {
- "canAddAndRemoveComputerGroups": true,
- "canCreateNewComputers": true,
- "canDeleteComputers": true,
- "canDismissAlerts": true,
- "canEditComputerProperties": true,
- "canImportComputers": true,
- "canManageCloudAccounts": true,
- "canManageDirectories": true,
- "canManageVCenters": true,
- "canTagComputers": true,
- "canViewNotRelatedToComputers": true,
- "canViewOtherComputers": true
}, - "contactRights": {
- "canCreateNewContacts": true,
- "canDeleteContacts": true,
- "canEditContactProperties": true,
- "canViewContacts": true
}, - "dataCenterGatewayRights": {
- "canCreateNewDataCenterGateways": true,
- "canViewDataCenterGateways": true,
- "canEditDataCenterGateways": true,
- "canDeleteDataCenterGateways": true
}, - "diagnosticRights": {
- "canCreateDiagnosticPackages": true
}, - "assetValueRights": {
- "canCreateNewAssetValues": true,
- "canDeleteAssetValues": true,
- "canEditAssetValueProperties": true
}, - "licenseRights": {
- "canChangeLicense": true,
- "canViewLicense": true
}, - "multiTenantRights": {
- "canCreateTenants": true,
- "canDeleteTenants": true,
- "canEditTenantGeneralProperties": true,
- "canEditTenantModules": true,
- "canEditTenantAccountDetails": true,
- "canEditTenantFeatures": true,
- "canEditTenantSettings": true,
- "canCreateAndEditTenantDatabaseServers": true,
- "canDeleteTenantDatabaseServers": true,
- "canManageTenantAPIKeys": true,
- "canSignInAsTenant": true,
- "canViewTenants": true
}, - "policyRights": {
- "canCreateNewPolicies": true,
- "canDeletePolicies": true,
- "canEditPolicyProperties": true,
- "canImportPolicies": true,
- "canViewOtherPolicies": true
}, - "portListRights": {
- "canCreateNewPortLists": true,
- "canDeletePortLists": true,
- "canEditPortListProperties": true
}, - "proxyRights": {
- "canCreateNewProxies": true,
- "canDeleteProxies": true,
- "canEditProxyProperties": true
}, - "relayGroupRights": {
- "canCreateNewRelayGroups": true,
- "canDeleteRelayGroups": true,
- "canEditRelayGroupProperties": true
}, - "scanCacheRights": {
- "canManageScanCache": true
}, - "scheduledTaskRights": {
- "canCreateNewScheduledTasks": true,
- "canDeleteScheduledTasks": true,
- "canEditScheduledTaskProperties": true,
- "canExecuteScheduledTasks": true,
- "canViewScheduledTasks": true
}, - "scheduleRights": {
- "canCreateNewSchedules": true,
- "canDeleteSchedules": true,
- "canEditScheduleProperties": true
}, - "serviceGatewayRights": {
- "canChangeServiceGateways": true
}, - "settingRights": {
- "canEditSettings": true,
- "canViewSettings": true
}, - "expertSettingRights": {
- "canEditExpertSettings": true,
- "canViewExpertSettings": true
}, - "syslogConfigurationRights": {
- "canCreateNewSyslogConfigurations": true,
- "canDeleteSyslogConfigurations": true,
- "canEditSyslogConfigurationProperties": true
}, - "systemInformationRights": {
- "canManageExtensions": true,
- "canManageNodes": true,
- "canViewSystemInformation": true
}, - "taggingRights": {
- "canDeleteAutoTagRules": true,
- "canUpdateAutoTagRules": true,
- "canRunAutoTagRules": true,
- "canDeleteTags": true,
- "canTag": true
}, - "updateRights": {
- "canImportSoftware": true,
- "canDeleteSoftware": true,
- "canEditSoftwareProperties": true,
- "canImportRuleUpdates": true,
- "canDeleteRuleUpdates": true,
- "canViewRuleUpdates": true
}, - "apikeyRights": {
- "canCreateNewApiKeys": true,
- "canDeleteApiKeys": true,
- "canEditApiKeyProperties": true,
- "canViewApiKeys": true,
- "canEditV1FeatureSettings": true
}, - "iplistRights": {
- "canCreateNewIPLists": true,
- "canDeleteIPLists": true,
- "canEditIPListProperties": true
}, - "samlidentityProviderRights": {
- "canCreateNewSAMLIdentityProviders": true,
- "canDeleteSAMLIdentityProviders": true,
- "canEditSAMLIdentityProviders": true,
- "canViewSAMLIdentityProviders": true
}, - "antiMalwareRights": {
- "antiMalwareConfigurationRights": {
- "canCreateNewAntiMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "canDeleteAntiMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "canEditAntiMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "canViewOtherAntiMalwareConfigurations": true
}, - "directoryListRights": {
- "canCreateNewDirectoryLists": true,
- "canDeleteDirectoryLists": true,
- "canEditDirectoryListProperties": true,
- "canViewOtherDirectoryListProperties": true
}, - "fileListRights": {
- "canCreateNewFileLists": true,
- "canDeleteFileLists": true,
- "canEditFileListProperties": true,
- "canViewOtherFileListProperties": true
}, - "fileExtensionListRights": {
- "canCreateNewFileExtensionLists": true,
- "canDeleteFileExtensionLists": true,
- "canEditFileExtensionListProperties": true,
- "canViewOtherFileExtensionListProperties": true
}, - "identifiedFileRights": {
- "canDeleteIdentifiedFiles": true,
- "canDownloadIdentifiedFiles": true,
- "canRestoreIdentifiedFiles": true,
- "canSubmitIdentifiedFiles": true
}, - "webReputationRights": {
- "webReputationConfigurationRights": {
- "canEditWebReputationConfiguration": true
}, - "sensingModeRights": {
- "sensingModeConfigurationRights": {
- "canEditSensingModeConfiguration": true
}, - "firewallRights": {
- "contextRights": {
- "canCreateNewContexts": true,
- "canDeleteContexts": true,
- "canEditContextProperties": true
}, - "firewallRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewFirewallRules": true,
- "canDeleteFirewallRules": true,
- "canEditFirewallRuleProperties": true
}, - "statefulConfigurationRights": {
- "canCreateNewStatefulConfigurations": true,
- "canDeleteStatefulConfigurations": true,
- "canEditStatefulConfigurationProperties": true
}, - "macListRights": {
- "canCreateNewMACLists": true,
- "canDeleteMACLists": true,
- "canEditMACListProperties": true
}, - "intrusionPreventionRights": {
- "applicationTypeRights": {
- "canCreateNewApplicationTypes": true,
- "canDeleteApplicationTypes": true,
- "canEditApplicationTypeProperties": true
}, - "intrusionPreventionRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewIntrusionPreventionRules": true,
- "canDeleteIntrusionPreventionRules": true,
- "canEditIntrusionPreventionRuleProperties": true
}, - "integrityMonitoringRights": {
- "integrityMonitoringRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewIntegrityMonitoringRules": true,
- "canDeleteIntegrityMonitoringRules": true,
- "canEditIntegrityMonitoringRuleProperties": true
}, - "logInspectionRights": {
- "logInspectionDecoderRights": {
- "canCreateNewLogInspectionDecoders": true,
- "canDeleteLogInspectionDecoders": true,
- "canEditLogInspectionDecoderProperties": true
}, - "logInspectionRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewLogInspectionRules": true,
- "canDeleteLogInspectionRules": true,
- "canEditLogInspectionRuleProperties": true
}, - "applicationControlRights": {
- "driftRights": {
- "canAllowOrBlockDrift": true,
- "canViewDrift": true
}, - "rulesetRights": {
- "canCreateNewRulesets": true,
- "canDeleteRulesets": true,
- "canEditRulesetProperties": true,
- "canViewRulesets": true
}, - "ruleRights": {
- "canCreateNewAppControlRules": true,
- "canDeleteAppControlRules": true,
- "canEditAppControlRulesProperties": true,
- "canViewAppControlRules": true
}, - "softwareInventoryRights": {
- "canCreateNewSoftwareInventory": true,
- "canDeleteSoftwareInventory": true,
- "canViewSoftwareInventory": true
}, - "trustEntityManagementRights": {
- "canCreateAppControlTrustEntities": true,
- "canViewAppControlTrustEntities": true,
- "canEditAppControlTrustEntities": true,
- "canDeleteAppControlTrustEntities": true
}, - "hostedServiceRights": {
- "accountRights": {
- "canDeleteAccounts": true,
- "canUpdateAccounts": true,
- "canViewAccountBilling": true
}, - "fixRights": {
- "canViewFixes": true
}, - "heapRights": {
- "canViewHeap": true
}, - "licenseRateRights": {
- "canSaveLicenseRates": true,
- "canViewLicenseRates": true
}, - "queryRights": {
- "canViewQuery": true
}, - "featureFlagsRights": {
- "canViewFeatureFlags": true
}, - "queryTracebackRights": {
- "canViewQueryTracebacks": true
}, - "serverLogRights": {
- "canViewServerLogs": true
}, - "stackTraceRights": {
- "canViewStackTraces": true
}, - "networkSecurityRights": {
- "canCreateDeviceAuthorizationTokens": true
}, - "computerIDs": [
- 0
], - "computerGroupIDs": [
- 0
], - "policyIDs": [
- 0
], - "ID": 0
Create an Administrator Role
Create a new administrator role.
AdministratorRolesApi.createAdministratorRole([param1, param2, ...])
AdministratorRolesApi.create_administrator_role([param1, param2, ...])
AdministratorRolesApi.createAdministratorRole([param1, param2, ...])
header Parameters
Request Body schema: application/json
The settings of the new administrator role.
successful operation
Not authorized to create administrator roles.
- Payload
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "canOnlyManipulateUsersWithEqualOrLesserRights": true,
- "allComputers": true,
- "allPolicies": true,
- "commonObjectScopes": {
- "antiMalwareConfigurationScopes": {
- "allMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "malwareConfigurationIDs": [
- 0
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- "allDirectoryLists": true,
- "directoryListIDs": [
- 0
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- "fileListIDs": [
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- "fileExtensionListIDs": [
- 0
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- "allowWebService": true,
- "rights": {
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- "administratorRights": {
- "canCreateNewAdministrators": true,
- "canDeleteAdministrators": true,
- "canEditAdministratorProperties": true,
- "canViewAdministrators": true
}, - "administratorRoleRights": {
- "canCreateNewAdministratorRoles": true,
- "canDeleteAdministratorRoles": true,
- "canEditAdministratorRoleProperties": true,
- "canViewAdministratorRoles": true
}, - "agentVersionControlRights": {
- "canEditAgentVersionControls": true
}, - "alertConfigurationRights": {
- "canEditAlertConfigurations": true
}, - "alertRights": {
- "canDismissGlobalAlerts": true
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- "canViewOtherComputers": true
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- "canDeleteDataCenterGateways": true
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- "canEditRelayGroupProperties": true
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- "canManageScanCache": true
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- "canCreateNewScheduledTasks": true,
- "canDeleteScheduledTasks": true,
- "canEditScheduledTaskProperties": true,
- "canExecuteScheduledTasks": true,
- "canViewScheduledTasks": true
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- "canCreateNewSchedules": true,
- "canDeleteSchedules": true,
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- "canDeleteIPLists": true,
- "canEditIPListProperties": true
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- "canCreateNewSAMLIdentityProviders": true,
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- "canEditSAMLIdentityProviders": true,
- "canViewSAMLIdentityProviders": true
}, - "antiMalwareRights": {
- "antiMalwareConfigurationRights": {
- "canCreateNewAntiMalwareConfigurations": true,
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- "canEditAntiMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "canViewOtherAntiMalwareConfigurations": true
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- "canEditStatefulConfigurationProperties": true
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- "canCreateNewIntegrityMonitoringRules": true,
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- "canCreateNewSoftwareInventory": true,
- "canDeleteSoftwareInventory": true,
- "canViewSoftwareInventory": true
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- "canCreateAppControlTrustEntities": true,
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- "canUpdateAccounts": true,
- "canViewAccountBilling": true
}, - "fixRights": {
- "canViewFixes": true
}, - "heapRights": {
- "canViewHeap": true
}, - "licenseRateRights": {
- "canSaveLicenseRates": true,
- "canViewLicenseRates": true
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- "canViewQuery": true
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}, - "computerIDs": [
- 0
], - "computerGroupIDs": [
- 0
], - "policyIDs": [
- 0
- 200
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- "allMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "malwareConfigurationIDs": [
- 0
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- 0
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- 0
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- "fileExtensionListIDs": [
- 0
}, - "allowUserInterface": true,
- "allowWebService": true,
- "rights": {
- "platformRights": {
- "administratorRights": {
- "canCreateNewAdministrators": true,
- "canDeleteAdministrators": true,
- "canEditAdministratorProperties": true,
- "canViewAdministrators": true
}, - "administratorRoleRights": {
- "canCreateNewAdministratorRoles": true,
- "canDeleteAdministratorRoles": true,
- "canEditAdministratorRoleProperties": true,
- "canViewAdministratorRoles": true
}, - "agentVersionControlRights": {
- "canEditAgentVersionControls": true
}, - "alertConfigurationRights": {
- "canEditAlertConfigurations": true
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- "canDismissGlobalAlerts": true
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- "canDismissAlerts": true,
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- "canImportComputers": true,
- "canManageCloudAccounts": true,
- "canManageDirectories": true,
- "canManageVCenters": true,
- "canTagComputers": true,
- "canViewNotRelatedToComputers": true,
- "canViewOtherComputers": true
}, - "contactRights": {
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- "canDeleteContacts": true,
- "canEditContactProperties": true,
- "canViewContacts": true
}, - "dataCenterGatewayRights": {
- "canCreateNewDataCenterGateways": true,
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- "canEditDataCenterGateways": true,
- "canDeleteDataCenterGateways": true
}, - "diagnosticRights": {
- "canCreateDiagnosticPackages": true
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- "canCreateNewAssetValues": true,
- "canDeleteAssetValues": true,
- "canEditAssetValueProperties": true
}, - "licenseRights": {
- "canChangeLicense": true,
- "canViewLicense": true
}, - "multiTenantRights": {
- "canCreateTenants": true,
- "canDeleteTenants": true,
- "canEditTenantGeneralProperties": true,
- "canEditTenantModules": true,
- "canEditTenantAccountDetails": true,
- "canEditTenantFeatures": true,
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- "canCreateAndEditTenantDatabaseServers": true,
- "canDeleteTenantDatabaseServers": true,
- "canManageTenantAPIKeys": true,
- "canSignInAsTenant": true,
- "canViewTenants": true
}, - "policyRights": {
- "canCreateNewPolicies": true,
- "canDeletePolicies": true,
- "canEditPolicyProperties": true,
- "canImportPolicies": true,
- "canViewOtherPolicies": true
}, - "portListRights": {
- "canCreateNewPortLists": true,
- "canDeletePortLists": true,
- "canEditPortListProperties": true
}, - "proxyRights": {
- "canCreateNewProxies": true,
- "canDeleteProxies": true,
- "canEditProxyProperties": true
}, - "relayGroupRights": {
- "canCreateNewRelayGroups": true,
- "canDeleteRelayGroups": true,
- "canEditRelayGroupProperties": true
}, - "scanCacheRights": {
- "canManageScanCache": true
}, - "scheduledTaskRights": {
- "canCreateNewScheduledTasks": true,
- "canDeleteScheduledTasks": true,
- "canEditScheduledTaskProperties": true,
- "canExecuteScheduledTasks": true,
- "canViewScheduledTasks": true
}, - "scheduleRights": {
- "canCreateNewSchedules": true,
- "canDeleteSchedules": true,
- "canEditScheduleProperties": true
}, - "serviceGatewayRights": {
- "canChangeServiceGateways": true
}, - "settingRights": {
- "canEditSettings": true,
- "canViewSettings": true
}, - "expertSettingRights": {
- "canEditExpertSettings": true,
- "canViewExpertSettings": true
}, - "syslogConfigurationRights": {
- "canCreateNewSyslogConfigurations": true,
- "canDeleteSyslogConfigurations": true,
- "canEditSyslogConfigurationProperties": true
}, - "systemInformationRights": {
- "canManageExtensions": true,
- "canManageNodes": true,
- "canViewSystemInformation": true
}, - "taggingRights": {
- "canDeleteAutoTagRules": true,
- "canUpdateAutoTagRules": true,
- "canRunAutoTagRules": true,
- "canDeleteTags": true,
- "canTag": true
}, - "updateRights": {
- "canImportSoftware": true,
- "canDeleteSoftware": true,
- "canEditSoftwareProperties": true,
- "canImportRuleUpdates": true,
- "canDeleteRuleUpdates": true,
- "canViewRuleUpdates": true
}, - "apikeyRights": {
- "canCreateNewApiKeys": true,
- "canDeleteApiKeys": true,
- "canEditApiKeyProperties": true,
- "canViewApiKeys": true,
- "canEditV1FeatureSettings": true
}, - "iplistRights": {
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- "canDeleteIPLists": true,
- "canEditIPListProperties": true
}, - "samlidentityProviderRights": {
- "canCreateNewSAMLIdentityProviders": true,
- "canDeleteSAMLIdentityProviders": true,
- "canEditSAMLIdentityProviders": true,
- "canViewSAMLIdentityProviders": true
}, - "antiMalwareRights": {
- "antiMalwareConfigurationRights": {
- "canCreateNewAntiMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "canDeleteAntiMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "canEditAntiMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "canViewOtherAntiMalwareConfigurations": true
}, - "directoryListRights": {
- "canCreateNewDirectoryLists": true,
- "canDeleteDirectoryLists": true,
- "canEditDirectoryListProperties": true,
- "canViewOtherDirectoryListProperties": true
}, - "fileListRights": {
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- "canViewOtherFileListProperties": true
}, - "fileExtensionListRights": {
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- "canEditFileExtensionListProperties": true,
- "canViewOtherFileExtensionListProperties": true
}, - "identifiedFileRights": {
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- "canDownloadIdentifiedFiles": true,
- "canRestoreIdentifiedFiles": true,
- "canSubmitIdentifiedFiles": true
}, - "webReputationRights": {
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- "canEditWebReputationConfiguration": true
}, - "sensingModeRights": {
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- "canEditSensingModeConfiguration": true
}, - "firewallRights": {
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- "canCreateNewContexts": true,
- "canDeleteContexts": true,
- "canEditContextProperties": true
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- "canCreateNewFirewallRules": true,
- "canDeleteFirewallRules": true,
- "canEditFirewallRuleProperties": true
}, - "statefulConfigurationRights": {
- "canCreateNewStatefulConfigurations": true,
- "canDeleteStatefulConfigurations": true,
- "canEditStatefulConfigurationProperties": true
}, - "macListRights": {
- "canCreateNewMACLists": true,
- "canDeleteMACLists": true,
- "canEditMACListProperties": true
}, - "intrusionPreventionRights": {
- "applicationTypeRights": {
- "canCreateNewApplicationTypes": true,
- "canDeleteApplicationTypes": true,
- "canEditApplicationTypeProperties": true
}, - "intrusionPreventionRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewIntrusionPreventionRules": true,
- "canDeleteIntrusionPreventionRules": true,
- "canEditIntrusionPreventionRuleProperties": true
}, - "integrityMonitoringRights": {
- "integrityMonitoringRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewIntegrityMonitoringRules": true,
- "canDeleteIntegrityMonitoringRules": true,
- "canEditIntegrityMonitoringRuleProperties": true
}, - "logInspectionRights": {
- "logInspectionDecoderRights": {
- "canCreateNewLogInspectionDecoders": true,
- "canDeleteLogInspectionDecoders": true,
- "canEditLogInspectionDecoderProperties": true
}, - "logInspectionRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewLogInspectionRules": true,
- "canDeleteLogInspectionRules": true,
- "canEditLogInspectionRuleProperties": true
}, - "applicationControlRights": {
- "driftRights": {
- "canAllowOrBlockDrift": true,
- "canViewDrift": true
}, - "rulesetRights": {
- "canCreateNewRulesets": true,
- "canDeleteRulesets": true,
- "canEditRulesetProperties": true,
- "canViewRulesets": true
}, - "ruleRights": {
- "canCreateNewAppControlRules": true,
- "canDeleteAppControlRules": true,
- "canEditAppControlRulesProperties": true,
- "canViewAppControlRules": true
}, - "softwareInventoryRights": {
- "canCreateNewSoftwareInventory": true,
- "canDeleteSoftwareInventory": true,
- "canViewSoftwareInventory": true
}, - "trustEntityManagementRights": {
- "canCreateAppControlTrustEntities": true,
- "canViewAppControlTrustEntities": true,
- "canEditAppControlTrustEntities": true,
- "canDeleteAppControlTrustEntities": true
}, - "hostedServiceRights": {
- "accountRights": {
- "canDeleteAccounts": true,
- "canUpdateAccounts": true,
- "canViewAccountBilling": true
}, - "fixRights": {
- "canViewFixes": true
}, - "heapRights": {
- "canViewHeap": true
}, - "licenseRateRights": {
- "canSaveLicenseRates": true,
- "canViewLicenseRates": true
}, - "queryRights": {
- "canViewQuery": true
}, - "featureFlagsRights": {
- "canViewFeatureFlags": true
}, - "queryTracebackRights": {
- "canViewQueryTracebacks": true
}, - "serverLogRights": {
- "canViewServerLogs": true
}, - "stackTraceRights": {
- "canViewStackTraces": true
}, - "networkSecurityRights": {
- "canCreateDeviceAuthorizationTokens": true
}, - "computerIDs": [
- 0
], - "computerGroupIDs": [
- 0
], - "policyIDs": [
- 0
], - "ID": 0
Search Administrator Roles
Search for administrator roles using optional filters.
AdministratorRolesApi.searchAdministratorRoles([param1, param2, ...])
AdministratorRolesApi.search_administrator_roles([param1, param2, ...])
AdministratorRolesApi.searchAdministratorRoles([param1, param2, ...])
header Parameters
Request Body schema: application/json
A collection of options used to filter the search results.
successful operation
Not authorized to view administrator roles.
- Payload
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
{- "maxItems": 0,
- "searchCriteria": [
- {
- "fieldName": "string",
- "booleanTest": true,
- "numericTest": "less-than",
- "numericValue": 0,
- "numericValueList": [
- 0
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- "stringValue": "string",
- "stringWildcards": true,
- "choiceTest": "equal",
- "choiceValue": "string",
- "firstDateValue": 0,
- "firstDateInclusive": true,
- "lastDateValue": 0,
- "lastDateInclusive": true,
- "nullTest": true,
- "versionTest": "less-than",
- "versionValue": "string",
- "idValue": 0,
- "idValueList": [
- 0
], - "idTest": "less-than"
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- 200
{- "roles": [
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- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "urn": "string",
- "immutable": true,
- "canOnlyManipulateUsersWithEqualOrLesserRights": true,
- "allComputers": true,
- "allPolicies": true,
- "commonObjectScopes": {
- "antiMalwareConfigurationScopes": {
- "allMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "malwareConfigurationIDs": [
- 0
}, - "directoryListScopes": {
- "allDirectoryLists": true,
- "directoryListIDs": [
- 0
}, - "fileListScopes": {
- "allFileLists": true,
- "fileListIDs": [
- 0
}, - "fileExtensionListScopes": {
- "allFileExtensionLists": true,
- "fileExtensionListIDs": [
- 0
}, - "allowUserInterface": true,
- "allowWebService": true,
- "rights": {
- "platformRights": {
- "administratorRights": {
- "canCreateNewAdministrators": true,
- "canDeleteAdministrators": true,
- "canEditAdministratorProperties": true,
- "canViewAdministrators": true
}, - "administratorRoleRights": {
- "canCreateNewAdministratorRoles": true,
- "canDeleteAdministratorRoles": true,
- "canEditAdministratorRoleProperties": true,
- "canViewAdministratorRoles": true
}, - "agentVersionControlRights": {
- "canEditAgentVersionControls": true
}, - "alertConfigurationRights": {
- "canEditAlertConfigurations": true
}, - "alertRights": {
- "canDismissGlobalAlerts": true
}, - "certificateRights": {
- "canCreateNewCertificates": true,
- "canDeleteCertificates": true
}, - "computerRights": {
- "canAddAndRemoveComputerGroups": true,
- "canCreateNewComputers": true,
- "canDeleteComputers": true,
- "canDismissAlerts": true,
- "canEditComputerProperties": true,
- "canImportComputers": true,
- "canManageCloudAccounts": true,
- "canManageDirectories": true,
- "canManageVCenters": true,
- "canTagComputers": true,
- "canViewNotRelatedToComputers": true,
- "canViewOtherComputers": true
}, - "contactRights": {
- "canCreateNewContacts": true,
- "canDeleteContacts": true,
- "canEditContactProperties": true,
- "canViewContacts": true
}, - "dataCenterGatewayRights": {
- "canCreateNewDataCenterGateways": true,
- "canViewDataCenterGateways": true,
- "canEditDataCenterGateways": true,
- "canDeleteDataCenterGateways": true
}, - "diagnosticRights": {
- "canCreateDiagnosticPackages": true
}, - "assetValueRights": {
- "canCreateNewAssetValues": true,
- "canDeleteAssetValues": true,
- "canEditAssetValueProperties": true
}, - "licenseRights": {
- "canChangeLicense": true,
- "canViewLicense": true
}, - "multiTenantRights": {
- "canCreateTenants": true,
- "canDeleteTenants": true,
- "canEditTenantGeneralProperties": true,
- "canEditTenantModules": true,
- "canEditTenantAccountDetails": true,
- "canEditTenantFeatures": true,
- "canEditTenantSettings": true,
- "canCreateAndEditTenantDatabaseServers": true,
- "canDeleteTenantDatabaseServers": true,
- "canManageTenantAPIKeys": true,
- "canSignInAsTenant": true,
- "canViewTenants": true
}, - "policyRights": {
- "canCreateNewPolicies": true,
- "canDeletePolicies": true,
- "canEditPolicyProperties": true,
- "canImportPolicies": true,
- "canViewOtherPolicies": true
}, - "portListRights": {
- "canCreateNewPortLists": true,
- "canDeletePortLists": true,
- "canEditPortListProperties": true
}, - "proxyRights": {
- "canCreateNewProxies": true,
- "canDeleteProxies": true,
- "canEditProxyProperties": true
}, - "relayGroupRights": {
- "canCreateNewRelayGroups": true,
- "canDeleteRelayGroups": true,
- "canEditRelayGroupProperties": true
}, - "scanCacheRights": {
- "canManageScanCache": true
}, - "scheduledTaskRights": {
- "canCreateNewScheduledTasks": true,
- "canDeleteScheduledTasks": true,
- "canEditScheduledTaskProperties": true,
- "canExecuteScheduledTasks": true,
- "canViewScheduledTasks": true
}, - "scheduleRights": {
- "canCreateNewSchedules": true,
- "canDeleteSchedules": true,
- "canEditScheduleProperties": true
}, - "serviceGatewayRights": {
- "canChangeServiceGateways": true
}, - "settingRights": {
- "canEditSettings": true,
- "canViewSettings": true
}, - "expertSettingRights": {
- "canEditExpertSettings": true,
- "canViewExpertSettings": true
}, - "syslogConfigurationRights": {
- "canCreateNewSyslogConfigurations": true,
- "canDeleteSyslogConfigurations": true,
- "canEditSyslogConfigurationProperties": true
}, - "systemInformationRights": {
- "canManageExtensions": true,
- "canManageNodes": true,
- "canViewSystemInformation": true
}, - "taggingRights": {
- "canDeleteAutoTagRules": true,
- "canUpdateAutoTagRules": true,
- "canRunAutoTagRules": true,
- "canDeleteTags": true,
- "canTag": true
}, - "updateRights": {
- "canImportSoftware": true,
- "canDeleteSoftware": true,
- "canEditSoftwareProperties": true,
- "canImportRuleUpdates": true,
- "canDeleteRuleUpdates": true,
- "canViewRuleUpdates": true
}, - "apikeyRights": {
- "canCreateNewApiKeys": true,
- "canDeleteApiKeys": true,
- "canEditApiKeyProperties": true,
- "canViewApiKeys": true,
- "canEditV1FeatureSettings": true
}, - "iplistRights": {
- "canCreateNewIPLists": true,
- "canDeleteIPLists": true,
- "canEditIPListProperties": true
}, - "samlidentityProviderRights": {
- "canCreateNewSAMLIdentityProviders": true,
- "canDeleteSAMLIdentityProviders": true,
- "canEditSAMLIdentityProviders": true,
- "canViewSAMLIdentityProviders": true
}, - "antiMalwareRights": {
- "antiMalwareConfigurationRights": {
- "canCreateNewAntiMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "canDeleteAntiMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "canEditAntiMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "canViewOtherAntiMalwareConfigurations": true
}, - "directoryListRights": {
- "canCreateNewDirectoryLists": true,
- "canDeleteDirectoryLists": true,
- "canEditDirectoryListProperties": true,
- "canViewOtherDirectoryListProperties": true
}, - "fileListRights": {
- "canCreateNewFileLists": true,
- "canDeleteFileLists": true,
- "canEditFileListProperties": true,
- "canViewOtherFileListProperties": true
}, - "fileExtensionListRights": {
- "canCreateNewFileExtensionLists": true,
- "canDeleteFileExtensionLists": true,
- "canEditFileExtensionListProperties": true,
- "canViewOtherFileExtensionListProperties": true
}, - "identifiedFileRights": {
- "canDeleteIdentifiedFiles": true,
- "canDownloadIdentifiedFiles": true,
- "canRestoreIdentifiedFiles": true,
- "canSubmitIdentifiedFiles": true
}, - "webReputationRights": {
- "webReputationConfigurationRights": {
- "canEditWebReputationConfiguration": true
}, - "sensingModeRights": {
- "sensingModeConfigurationRights": {
- "canEditSensingModeConfiguration": true
}, - "firewallRights": {
- "contextRights": {
- "canCreateNewContexts": true,
- "canDeleteContexts": true,
- "canEditContextProperties": true
}, - "firewallRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewFirewallRules": true,
- "canDeleteFirewallRules": true,
- "canEditFirewallRuleProperties": true
}, - "statefulConfigurationRights": {
- "canCreateNewStatefulConfigurations": true,
- "canDeleteStatefulConfigurations": true,
- "canEditStatefulConfigurationProperties": true
}, - "macListRights": {
- "canCreateNewMACLists": true,
- "canDeleteMACLists": true,
- "canEditMACListProperties": true
}, - "intrusionPreventionRights": {
- "applicationTypeRights": {
- "canCreateNewApplicationTypes": true,
- "canDeleteApplicationTypes": true,
- "canEditApplicationTypeProperties": true
}, - "intrusionPreventionRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewIntrusionPreventionRules": true,
- "canDeleteIntrusionPreventionRules": true,
- "canEditIntrusionPreventionRuleProperties": true
}, - "integrityMonitoringRights": {
- "integrityMonitoringRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewIntegrityMonitoringRules": true,
- "canDeleteIntegrityMonitoringRules": true,
- "canEditIntegrityMonitoringRuleProperties": true
}, - "logInspectionRights": {
- "logInspectionDecoderRights": {
- "canCreateNewLogInspectionDecoders": true,
- "canDeleteLogInspectionDecoders": true,
- "canEditLogInspectionDecoderProperties": true
}, - "logInspectionRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewLogInspectionRules": true,
- "canDeleteLogInspectionRules": true,
- "canEditLogInspectionRuleProperties": true
}, - "applicationControlRights": {
- "driftRights": {
- "canAllowOrBlockDrift": true,
- "canViewDrift": true
}, - "rulesetRights": {
- "canCreateNewRulesets": true,
- "canDeleteRulesets": true,
- "canEditRulesetProperties": true,
- "canViewRulesets": true
}, - "ruleRights": {
- "canCreateNewAppControlRules": true,
- "canDeleteAppControlRules": true,
- "canEditAppControlRulesProperties": true,
- "canViewAppControlRules": true
}, - "softwareInventoryRights": {
- "canCreateNewSoftwareInventory": true,
- "canDeleteSoftwareInventory": true,
- "canViewSoftwareInventory": true
}, - "trustEntityManagementRights": {
- "canCreateAppControlTrustEntities": true,
- "canViewAppControlTrustEntities": true,
- "canEditAppControlTrustEntities": true,
- "canDeleteAppControlTrustEntities": true
}, - "hostedServiceRights": {
- "accountRights": {
- "canDeleteAccounts": true,
- "canUpdateAccounts": true,
- "canViewAccountBilling": true
}, - "fixRights": {
- "canViewFixes": true
}, - "heapRights": {
- "canViewHeap": true
}, - "licenseRateRights": {
- "canSaveLicenseRates": true,
- "canViewLicenseRates": true
}, - "queryRights": {
- "canViewQuery": true
}, - "featureFlagsRights": {
- "canViewFeatureFlags": true
}, - "queryTracebackRights": {
- "canViewQueryTracebacks": true
}, - "serverLogRights": {
- "canViewServerLogs": true
}, - "stackTraceRights": {
- "canViewStackTraces": true
}, - "networkSecurityRights": {
- "canCreateDeviceAuthorizationTokens": true
}, - "computerIDs": [
- 0
], - "computerGroupIDs": [
- 0
], - "policyIDs": [
- 0
], - "ID": 0
Describe an Administrator Role
Describe an administrator role by ID.
AdministratorRolesApi.describeAdministratorRole([param1, param2, ...])
AdministratorRolesApi.describe_administrator_role([param1, param2, ...])
AdministratorRolesApi.describeAdministratorRole([param1, param2, ...])
successful operation
Not authorized to view administrator roles.
The administrator role does not exist.
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.ApiClient; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.Configuration; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.auth.ApiKeyAuth; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.auth.ApiKeyAuth; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.ApiException; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.api.AdministratorRolesApi; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.model.Role; public class DescribeAdministratorRoleExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Setup ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); defaultClient.setBasePath("YOUR HOST"); // Authentication ApiKeyAuth Legacy API Key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Legacy API Key"); Legacy API Key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); try { defaultClient.trustAllCertificates(false); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("An exception occurred when calling ApiClient.trustAllCertificates"); e.printStackTrace(); } ApiKeyAuth Trend Micro Cloud One API Key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Trend Micro Cloud One API Key"); Trend Micro Cloud One API Key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); try { defaultClient.trustAllCertificates(false); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("An exception occurred when calling ApiClient.trustAllCertificates"); e.printStackTrace(); } // Initialization // Set Any Required Values AdministratorRolesApi instance = new AdministratorRolesApi(); Integer roleID = 1; String apiVersion = "YOUR VERSION"; try { // Please replace the parameter values with yours Role result = instance.describeAdministratorRole(roleID, apiVersion); System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("An exception occurred when calling AdministratorRolesApi.describeAdministratorRole"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }
- 200
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "urn": "string",
- "immutable": true,
- "canOnlyManipulateUsersWithEqualOrLesserRights": true,
- "allComputers": true,
- "allPolicies": true,
- "commonObjectScopes": {
- "antiMalwareConfigurationScopes": {
- "allMalwareConfigurations": true,
- "malwareConfigurationIDs": [
- 0
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- "directoryListIDs": [
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- "canDeleteAdministrators": true,
- "canEditAdministratorProperties": true,
- "canViewAdministrators": true
}, - "administratorRoleRights": {
- "canCreateNewAdministratorRoles": true,
- "canDeleteAdministratorRoles": true,
- "canEditAdministratorRoleProperties": true,
- "canViewAdministratorRoles": true
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- "canEditAgentVersionControls": true
}, - "alertConfigurationRights": {
- "canEditAlertConfigurations": true
}, - "alertRights": {
- "canDismissGlobalAlerts": true
}, - "certificateRights": {
- "canCreateNewCertificates": true,
- "canDeleteCertificates": true
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- "canAddAndRemoveComputerGroups": true,
- "canCreateNewComputers": true,
- "canDeleteComputers": true,
- "canDismissAlerts": true,
- "canEditComputerProperties": true,
- "canImportComputers": true,
- "canManageCloudAccounts": true,
- "canManageDirectories": true,
- "canManageVCenters": true,
- "canTagComputers": true,
- "canViewNotRelatedToComputers": true,
- "canViewOtherComputers": true
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- "canDeleteContacts": true,
- "canEditContactProperties": true,
- "canViewContacts": true
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- "canCreateNewDataCenterGateways": true,
- "canViewDataCenterGateways": true,
- "canEditDataCenterGateways": true,
- "canDeleteDataCenterGateways": true
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- "canCreateDiagnosticPackages": true
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- "canCreateNewAssetValues": true,
- "canDeleteAssetValues": true,
- "canEditAssetValueProperties": true
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- "canChangeLicense": true,
- "canViewLicense": true
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- "canCreateTenants": true,
- "canDeleteTenants": true,
- "canEditTenantGeneralProperties": true,
- "canEditTenantModules": true,
- "canEditTenantAccountDetails": true,
- "canEditTenantFeatures": true,
- "canEditTenantSettings": true,
- "canCreateAndEditTenantDatabaseServers": true,
- "canDeleteTenantDatabaseServers": true,
- "canManageTenantAPIKeys": true,
- "canSignInAsTenant": true,
- "canViewTenants": true
}, - "policyRights": {
- "canCreateNewPolicies": true,
- "canDeletePolicies": true,
- "canEditPolicyProperties": true,
- "canImportPolicies": true,
- "canViewOtherPolicies": true
}, - "portListRights": {
- "canCreateNewPortLists": true,
- "canDeletePortLists": true,
- "canEditPortListProperties": true
}, - "proxyRights": {
- "canCreateNewProxies": true,
- "canDeleteProxies": true,
- "canEditProxyProperties": true
}, - "relayGroupRights": {
- "canCreateNewRelayGroups": true,
- "canDeleteRelayGroups": true,
- "canEditRelayGroupProperties": true
}, - "scanCacheRights": {
- "canManageScanCache": true
}, - "scheduledTaskRights": {
- "canCreateNewScheduledTasks": true,
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Modify an Administrator Role
Modify an administrator role by ID. Any properties that have no value are not modified.
AdministratorRolesApi.modifyAdministratorRole([param1, param2, ...])
AdministratorRolesApi.modify_administrator_role([param1, param2, ...])
AdministratorRolesApi.modifyAdministratorRole([param1, param2, ...])
path Parameters
header Parameters
Request Body schema: application/json
The settings of the administrator role to modify.
successful operation
Not authorized to modify administrator roles or the requested modification is not permitted.
The administrator role does not exist.
- Payload
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
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}, - "integrityMonitoringRights": {
- "integrityMonitoringRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewIntegrityMonitoringRules": true,
- "canDeleteIntegrityMonitoringRules": true,
- "canEditIntegrityMonitoringRuleProperties": true
}, - "logInspectionRights": {
- "logInspectionDecoderRights": {
- "canCreateNewLogInspectionDecoders": true,
- "canDeleteLogInspectionDecoders": true,
- "canEditLogInspectionDecoderProperties": true
}, - "logInspectionRuleRights": {
- "canCreateNewLogInspectionRules": true,
- "canDeleteLogInspectionRules": true,
- "canEditLogInspectionRuleProperties": true
}, - "applicationControlRights": {
- "driftRights": {
- "canAllowOrBlockDrift": true,
- "canViewDrift": true
}, - "rulesetRights": {
- "canCreateNewRulesets": true,
- "canDeleteRulesets": true,
- "canEditRulesetProperties": true,
- "canViewRulesets": true
}, - "ruleRights": {
- "canCreateNewAppControlRules": true,
- "canDeleteAppControlRules": true,
- "canEditAppControlRulesProperties": true,
- "canViewAppControlRules": true
}, - "softwareInventoryRights": {
- "canCreateNewSoftwareInventory": true,
- "canDeleteSoftwareInventory": true,
- "canViewSoftwareInventory": true
}, - "trustEntityManagementRights": {
- "canCreateAppControlTrustEntities": true,
- "canViewAppControlTrustEntities": true,
- "canEditAppControlTrustEntities": true,
- "canDeleteAppControlTrustEntities": true
}, - "hostedServiceRights": {
- "accountRights": {
- "canDeleteAccounts": true,
- "canUpdateAccounts": true,
- "canViewAccountBilling": true
}, - "fixRights": {
- "canViewFixes": true
}, - "heapRights": {
- "canViewHeap": true
}, - "licenseRateRights": {
- "canSaveLicenseRates": true,
- "canViewLicenseRates": true
}, - "queryRights": {
- "canViewQuery": true
}, - "featureFlagsRights": {
- "canViewFeatureFlags": true
}, - "queryTracebackRights": {
- "canViewQueryTracebacks": true
}, - "serverLogRights": {
- "canViewServerLogs": true
}, - "stackTraceRights": {
- "canViewStackTraces": true
}, - "networkSecurityRights": {
- "canCreateDeviceAuthorizationTokens": true
}, - "computerIDs": [
- 0
], - "computerGroupIDs": [
- 0
], - "policyIDs": [
- 0
], - "ID": 0
Delete an Administrator Role
Delete an administrator role by ID.
AdministratorRolesApi.deleteAdministratorRole([param1, param2, ...])
AdministratorRolesApi.delete_administrator_role([param1, param2, ...])
AdministratorRolesApi.deleteAdministratorRole([param1, param2, ...])
Request is successful.
Not authorized to delete administrator roles.
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.ApiClient; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.Configuration; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.auth.ApiKeyAuth; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.auth.ApiKeyAuth; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.ApiException; import com.trendmicro.deepsecurity.api.AdministratorRolesApi; public class DeleteAdministratorRoleExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Setup ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); defaultClient.setBasePath("YOUR HOST"); // Authentication ApiKeyAuth Legacy API Key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Legacy API Key"); Legacy API Key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); try { defaultClient.trustAllCertificates(false); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("An exception occurred when calling ApiClient.trustAllCertificates"); e.printStackTrace(); } ApiKeyAuth Trend Micro Cloud One API Key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Trend Micro Cloud One API Key"); Trend Micro Cloud One API Key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY"); try { defaultClient.trustAllCertificates(false); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("An exception occurred when calling ApiClient.trustAllCertificates"); e.printStackTrace(); } // Initialization // Set Any Required Values AdministratorRolesApi instance = new AdministratorRolesApi(); Integer roleID = 1; String apiVersion = "YOUR VERSION"; try { // Please replace the parameter values with yours instance.deleteAdministratorRole(roleID, apiVersion); } catch (ApiException e) { System.err.println("An exception occurred when calling AdministratorRolesApi.deleteAdministratorRole"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }